
HSPC provides resources that are tailored to employers, supervisors, and workers to assist with effective implementation of occupational heat safety. Implementing heat safety best practices will optimize worker health, safety and productivity. Learn more about why heat safety practices should be implemented, how your organization can do it, and who is more susceptible to heat-related illnesses and injuries!


How can employers implement a heat plan to protect your employees? How can heat safety initiatives make workers more productive? Why are heat safety plans so important? These resources can be used by employers and provide materials such as heat safety onboarding information, a “how to guide” for implementation of heat safety plans, emergency action plan templates, and more to create a safe workplace.


NHSC provides resources tailored to supervisors who are in charge of supervising the implementation of heat safety plans and best practices. These resources can be used to learn more about dangers of heat and assist supervisors with implementation of heat safety practices.


Workers undergoing heat stress must understand how heat can negatively affect their health, safety and productivity. These resources are tailored to the worker and provide educational materials for workers who are characterized as “at-risk”, temperature monitoring, heat illness emergency procedures, and more to keep them safe on the job.