Emergency Action Plan

What is an Emergency Action Plan and why is it important?

‌Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) contain vital information on policies and procedures that should be taken during a potentially catastrophic event. While emergencies are rarely predictable, they do occur and the response that occurs in the first 5-10 minutes will likely dictate the outcome.  Everyone involved (supervisors, workers, security, etc.) be educated on, have access to and rehearse the EAP. Rehearsal should occur at least annually, but the more frequent the rehearsals, the more efficient the response when an emergency arises.

‌Once an EAP is established, it is imperative that it is implemented effectively via posted copies/distribution, education on the EAP for all personnel, and routine rehearsals of the EAP.

‌What can I do to prepare for an emergency?

  1. Make sure your employer and supervisor have gone over the EAP with you and you have a clear understanding of your role if an emergency was to arise.

  2. Ask questions and know how to get in contact with your supervisor for an emergency.

  3. Review the EAP at least annually.

‌What is my role?

In most instances, workers are going to the best first people to respond to an emergency. It is important to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms associated with heat illness and cardiac emergencies. You should know who the first aid responder is on your shift and the best way to get a hold of them if an emergency. If you are the first person to respond to an emergency, you should know where the nearest phone is to call 911 and then move individual inside or to a shaded place and remove excess clothing.

‌Get help. Send someone to find the supervisor or give them a call from your phone.